Minneapolis Public Schools families are able to request moving their children to a district school outside of their neighborhood area. The school placement process for the 2023-24 school year is about to begin.  

Minneapolis families can submit their request for school placement for the district’s first placement lottery by February 7. Families will get a response by mail in March. There will be a second school placement lottery just for magnet schools. The deadline for that lottery is April 4.

Under the current placement rules, Minneapolis families are guaranteed a placement in their community school assigned by their home address. But families can also request a placement in one of the district’s citywide magnet schools, which include Spanish Immersion, Arts, STEM, and Montessori programs. Under very limited circumstances, the district will allow students to be placed in a community school that doesn’t correspond to a student’s home address. The district does not provide transitions for these out-of-area placements.

Community school pathways are detailed in this Minneapolis Public Schools District Map.

Families of currently enrolled students do not need to submit a new placement request if they want to remain in their current school next year. Students moving from elementary to middle school, or middle school to high school will automatically be placed in the pathway school based on where their student is currently enrolled. For example, a fifth grader currently enrolled at Olson Middle School would be automatically assigned to Henry High School next fall. A fifth grader currently enrolled at Dowling as their community elementary school would be assigned to Andersen next year, the middle school for their pathway.

If families have questions about the placement process, they can call the student placement center at 612-668-1840. Additional information is available on the district’s website here.